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Friday, November 13, 2020

Happy Anniversary "Steam! Romance and Rails" and Adella's Enemy

Steam! Romance and Rails $0.99 sale

It’s Friday the 13th and I’m celebrating with a Lucky Number 7 publishing anniversary (for the month of November book sale) by joining a friend’s 10-year writing anniversary! 

Seven years ago on Nov 16, 2013, I self-published my first book, Adella’s Enemy. The inspirational nudge for creating this book (and joining the self-published world) was the invite to join a shared-world writing project with fellow Romance Writers of America® Golden Heart® award finalists Elisabeth (E.E.) Burke and Jennifer Jakes. 

Here’s the story inspiration page that I included in Adella’s Enemy

Have you watched the TV series Hell on Wheels? Would you like to write a railroad romance with a race for riches? Those were the questions asked by Elisabeth Burke and Jennifer Jakes. Without them, Adella’s Enemy would never have been written.

Post-Civil War America was a time of great tension and transition but also incredible opportunities for prosperity—if you played your cards right. Instead of weeks or months to cross America, when its transcontinental railroad was completed in May 1869, the journey was reduced to less than a week. The railroad builders’ and camp followers’ journeys (and fates and fortunes) made Hell on Wheels.

Time is money for travelers and builders—from the worker laying track to the smooth-talking promoter overseeing construction and the proposed route. The proximity of a railroad could make or break a town’s future and a speculator’s fortune. The entire endeavor often became a cutthroat race for riches. 

In Adella and Cormac’s story, I like to think their race for revenge, forgiveness and, above all, love provided the greatest riches of all. 

Can the pursuit of an old enemy lead to a new love?

The Steam! Romance and Rails series started with three stories that not only shared a unique setting, time, and plot (Kansas 1870 during a cutthroat railroad race for riches) but characters as well… 

Adella’s Enemy by me :) Jacqui Nelson

Eden’s Sin by Jennifer Jakes

Kate’s Outlaw by E.E. Burke

For the month of November, you can download these three eBooks (plus three more by Elisabeth) for only 99 cents each. 

To read Adella’s Enemy’s blurb and excerpt, visit my website.   

To read more about Elisabeth’s 10-year writing anniversary (and all of her books in the Steam! Romance and Rails world), visit Elisabeth's blog.  

Review quote: Adella is feisty, funny & truly kick-ass"

~ * ~ 

Jacqui's author photo
Download MY FREE STORY Rescuing Raven (Raven & Charlie's story in Deadwood 1876) 

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1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on your novel and writing anniversary. It is an exciting thing to remember and the series is wonderful to be a part of. WooHoo. Doris


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