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Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Being Social

Post by Doris McCraw

writing as Angela Raines

Georgetown, Colorado 1867
by William Gunnison Chamberlain

At the beginning of a year, I choose a word that I judge my decisions by. This year the word is 'joy'.  As I pondered this month's post I wondered what brought joy to people back in the 1800s? Then the idea of being social, meeting and spending time with people, So, here are some of the ways people were social, back in the day.

1. Big holidays

July 4th and Christmas were major events in many towns.  In an editorial to them 'Western Mountaineer', (Golden, Jefferson County, Colorado) July 12, 1860, the following was found:

2. Quilting Bees and Candy Pulling: 

In February of 1875 the ladies of Georgetown, Colorado were invited to a quilting bee as seen in this notice in 'The Colorado Miner', Georgetown, Clear Creek, Colorado, February 6, 1875.


3. Dances and Balls:

Some were open to the public and some were private. People sought chances to get together, to see and be seen. 'The Longmont Press', Longmont, Boulder County, Colorado, March 18, 1874, had this announcement:

4. Plays and Theater: 

Theater, plays, music all were popular entertainment in the 1800s. The West was no exception. This advertisement from 'The Denver Daily Tribune', Denver, Denver County, Colorado, January 20, 1877, is a common sight in many newspapers.

I'm sure there were other ways and events people created to spend time with their community and the people in it. As I researched I found myself wishing I were a fly on the wall to see the people and listen to what they talked about. Regardless, people enjoyed the company and found reasons to get together. 

Until next time, have a wonderful 2022.


  1. Thank you for sharing the many ways people gathered. I was surprised to see in the 4th of July article that a fire had swept over that area the year before. Wonder if it was near the Marshall fire from 2 weeks ago. Strange, but history does repeat itself... not that I want to see the mountains and homes on fire.

  2. I'm glad you liked it, Julie. I wondered also, but without maps, it would be hard to tell for sure. Doris


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