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Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Cowboy Kisses Welcomes 2022 ~ Julie Lence


Greetings Cowboy Kisses Readers and welcome to 2022! I hope your holiday season was merry and bright. Mine differs very little from year to year. It’s just hubby, kiddo, Harley and me, (most of our family reside in New York State) and with kiddo older, it’s a joy to not have to get up at 4 a.m. Christmas morning. I have finally convinced him to sleep in. And Harley sleeps until he hears me get up. I’m hoping 2022 will see him healthy and back to his normal, long walks. (For those who don’t know, Harley was at the groomer Halloween weekend and decided to jump out of the tub after the gal finished bathing him. He caught his back paw on some sort of a ramp and cut his toe and pad and required stitches and a lengthy time in keeping quiet.) 



Harley’s foot healing isn’t the only thing I’m looking forward to in 2022. Cowboy Kisses is an honor to manage and I’m excited for another prosperous year. Most of our authors have been with us for a spell, but if you missed announcements last year, we do have two new authors, Lynn Landes and Lianna Hawkins. Be sure to take a look at their author pages to get to know them better and to connect with them on their social media pages. And be sure to connect with Cowboy Kisses on our Facebook group. Everyone is invited to join in each week and enjoy a laugh with Tuesday Humor, gain a little bit of inspiration on Wednesday Writing, and to step back into the past with Vintage Thursday. You can also participate in Question Tuesday, share what you’re currently reading on Read Wednesday, and tell others something about you on Tattle Thursday.  If you’re a western romance author, you’re invited to share new releases on Monday and Friday and older works on the weekends.   


Last year, the Cowboy Kisses authors had a great time hosting their annual Round-Up. The Cowgirls will again host Round-Up this year, most likely during one of the autumn months. Information regarding the Round-Up will come later this year. Until then, I encourage you to stay current with the Cowgirls by either following them on their social media pages and connecting with them on the Facebook group page. I’m sure some of them will have new releases that you won’t want to miss. As always, if you have any questions or are a western romance author and would like to feature a new release on the blog, please don’t hesitate to contact me at 


Hugs, and I hope 2022 is good to everyone!   




  1. Happy 2022, Julie. Thanks for everything you do here. You rock!!

  2. Happy New Year, Julie! I agree with Kristy... You rock, Julie! Thank you for being you ❤️

  3. Thank you, Jacqui! I couldn't do this without all of you. You ladies rock, too!


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