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Tuesday, January 4, 2022

The Snowman's Sweetheart

Picture yourself on frigid January day in a small town bursting at the seams with tourists who've traveled over snowy, slick roads to be there for a winter festival that boasted any number of fabulous frosty events. 

Then imagine the roads being so full of snow and cars that you have to walk everywhere, then thanks to temperatures that warmed during the day and rain that fell in the afternoon, you have to trudge along the crowded sidewalks in frozen slush that is ankle deep. 

Not exactly the beginning of a winter wonderland getaway, but when my husband I found ourselves in this scenario, I couldn't help but think it would make a great story! 

Two years ago we made a six-hour drive to a little mountain town that boasted a huge winter festival complete with ice carving, sled dog races and more. The roads were horrible getting there, the hotels were packed, and the one where we'd made a reservation somehow overbooked. We finally got a room next to the noisiest elevator in the northern hemisphere. From the window, we watched an inexperienced driver almost take out our vehicle in the slick parking lot, and the craziness escalated from there. 

After sloshing through the slush for a mediocre overpriced dinner, we decided we had to figure out a way to salvage the weekend or just go home. 

Thankfully, that night it froze and then snowed, creating a beautiful world of white the next morning. It made it much easier to get around, and we ended up having a lot of fun. 

But it was the experiences of that weekend that inspired me to write a story about a girl who hates the holidays and winter and finds herself smack dab in the middle of winter festival when she's supposed to be enjoying a peaceful, relaxing spa getaway weekend with her best friend. 

Did I mention the best friend drags along her boyfriend? 

As I began creating the characters for this book, I knew it had to be the first in a series titled Winter Wishes.


 Here is a first look at the first book in the series!    


Will a whirlwind winter romance result in a forever love?

 After a Christmas Eve catastrophe that left her heart encased in ice, Sierra Goodwin detests anything to do with winter and the holiday season. To take her mind off her troubles, her best friend talks her into a weekend spa getaway to a town she’s never heard of. Her bestie’s boyfriend tags along like a bumpy third wheel, and things go from bad to worse when they arrive in town to find a winter fest in full swing. Then Sierra runs into a handsome stranger, a man everyone calls Mr. Snowman, and discovers her heart might not be a frozen fortress after all.  

Kylan Snow loves his life, his Christmas tree farm, and the town of Pinehill where he was raised. There’s nothing he enjoys more than a beautiful winter afternoon spent outside in the crisp, fresh air, or time spent with friends and family. When he unexpectedly encounters a dimple-cheeked woman in need of a little hope, he has no idea one weekend with her with completely alter his world.

Will their winter wishes for a forever sweetheart come true? Find out in this sweet romance brimming with laughter, snowmen, small-town charm, and love.

Coming January 27!


  1. His Shanna! So glad you and the hubby were able to have some fun that weekend! Congratulations on your upcoming release. Sounds like a perfect winter read!

  2. This sounds delightful and I can't wait to read it. And it releases on my husband's birthday so I get a gift on his birthday. Sweet!

  3. Oh, how fun about your husband's birthday, Barbara! Happy birthday to him!
    And thank you so much, Julie!


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