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Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Character Interview with Tawny Monroe ~ Julie Lence


Last month, Cowboy Kisses caught up with Hunter Barlow from the Jackson Creek Series (Book 3). This month, Cowboy Kisses sits down with Hunter’s leading lady, Tawny Monroe. The only child of a Baltimore shipping entrepauner, Tawny’s parents perished in a carriage accident when she was young and she was sent to live with her father’s sister. Her growing up years, Tawny favored the taste of the sea air on her tongue, strolling in the gardens behind her aunt’s stately manor, and working alongside cook in the kitchen. The never ending bickering between her and her aunt she loathed, so when she spotted an advertisement for a mail-order bride in Austin, she readily snuck away to Texas, only to find her intended had passed away. Penniless, she was forced to take a job as a working girl, but the bruises to her skin were to her disliking so she fled to Jackson Creek. Two years she’s been working in the town’s only watering hole and saving coins earned from tumbling customers for a ticket to freedom. And then, deliciously handsome army sergeant Hunter Barlow made her an offer she couldn’t refuse.           

At army headquarters, a cup of tea on the small table beside her, Tawny settles into the crook of the sofa and gives me her full attention.

What did you think the 1st time you met Hunter?

Tall, dark-haired and handsome, I immediately noticed his sculptured chest of muscle, imagined curling against him and letting go of my troubles. I had no idea he was an army man. He didn’t wear a uniform, and I merely thought him a stranger passing through town.  

What was your 2nd thought?

To accept the job he offered to cook and clean for him at his headquarters. Besides fawning over his muscles, something about him spoke to me, said that I could trust him to not hurt me.  

Did you feel it was love at 1st sight?

If it was, I was unaware. I thought whatever urged me toward him was more of a kinship. 

What do you like most about Hunter?

His honesty and how he wears his heart on his sleeve. He loves deeply, and I’m the lucky female recipient of that love.

How would you describe Hunter?

He’s loyal, hard-working, and loathes dishonesty. Growing up in a brothel, he was cast aside too many times, and lied to a handful of others. He expects those closest to him to not betray him, because when he loves, that love is for eternity.     

How would Hunter describe you?

From the hunger I see in his eyes when he looks at me, I can honestly say he favors me, but there’s more to his favor than lust. He genuinely cares for me and I think he’d describe me as a woman who is loyal, kind and considerate; a woman who is passionate about him, who cares greatly for him and who favors peace over turmoil in the same fashion as him.     

What is your biggest fear?

Before meeting Hunter, my biggest fear was my past catching up to me. Now that Hunter is a part of me, my biggest fear is loosing him. I don’t think I’d want to live without him; he means that much to me.

How do you relax?

By cooking. Whether sifting flour or roasting a chicken, peace always settle around me and deep within me when I’m bustling around the kitchen.   

Who is your favorite fictional character?

The knight in shining armor, because he is everything I have found in Hunter.  

What is the best piece of advice you’ve ever received?

To never give up, and that came from somewhere deep inside of myself.

Thank you for being with us today. It was truly a pleasure talking with you.

You’re welcome.  


To learn how Hunter became a big part of Tawny’s heart, grab a copy of their story from Amazon and begin reading today!


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