Author Pages

Thursday, May 5, 2022

Cowboy Kisses News ~ Julie Lence

 Good Morning Everyone! I hope this 1st Thursday of May finds all of you well and looking forward to summer. The Cowboy Kisses authors and I are hoping for pleasant days and lots of sunshine.  

As we begin May, Cowboy Kisses says goodbye to Dorothy Wiley and Jacqui Nelson. We wish them well in the future and hope they'll come back for a visit. Taking over the 2nd Friday slot is author, Melissa Maygrove. Her 1st day to blog is May 13th. Melissa is excited to be part of the team and I hope you'll give her a warm welcome and get to know her by checking out her author page, located on the right side bar. 

As soon as I firm up the final slot, I'll let you know. Until then, be safe, healthy and happy. 



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