Author Pages

Thursday, August 25, 2022

Guest Author Lariette Lee


Hello Cowboy Kisses. I'm western romance author, Lariette Lee, here to tell you about my new release, My Cowboy's Calling. 

Miss Adeline had all the bounce and fury of a bobcat.
Foreman Asher Cade returns to Adeline, a place where all his bitter memories reside. He’s forced to mend more than just a fence when he tears down the one belonging to Tobyn McCall. Beloved daughter of Adeline, she can make or break the future of the new AXL Ranch. But he never expected her to help him turn what used to be bitter into something scorchingly sweet.
That cowboy is smokestack lightning hot.
When her new neighbor purchases the pasture next door to Tobyn McCall, the AXL Group sends Asher Cade to take hers as well. He still bears traces of the irresistible bad boy as well as the pain he suffered years ago. She can’t fall for this cowboy who will leave town again, or she’ll lose her land and her beloved Adeline, too.
If they can find a way to come to terms, there’s not a town or a fence that can contain their love.



He ought to be thankful for Tobyn’s friendliness instead of being annoyed by it. It’s a helluva a lot easier to negotiate with someone when you’re on their good side. And he had yet to get Tobyn to agree on the boundary between her place and the AXL Ranch. Everything else—a new fence, stocking cattle on the Lamar pasture, his long-delayed return to the executive suite—depended on that.

And he sure as hell wasn’t staying in Adeline any longer than he had to.

“I have something for you, Asher,” Tobyn said. “It’s not much but seein’s as we’re to be neighbors, I mean, you being the—uh—the representative of the AXL Ranch or Group, or whatever they are—”

Her voice trailed off as she tried to reach a jar of something on a top shelf. She teetered on tip-toe. “Oh, it’s hell being short!”

He went to help her again, reaching for the jar. He closed his fingers around it and looked down into her upturned face. “Is this it?”

She nodded, her eyes wide, warm like liquid honey.

Oh, baby.

“Is this it?” he asked again, bringing it down off the shelf.

Not only was he repeating himself, his voice sounded slurred, his movements seemed sluggish. There was surge in his body that overpowered everything else.

Hell, he wasn’t sorry he’d touched Tobyn down in that gully—not one damn bit.

Oops—don’t drop it,” she chuckled. Her small fingers, soft and topped with clear nails, closed over his hands still holding the jar. “It’s for you. Dewberry jam. Super sweet, on biscuits, or most anything else.”

“I can believe that.”

Asher struggled to get ahold of himself. It was as if he had turned back into a wild colt of a teenager, high-speed hormones and impulsive as hell. He pulled his hand away from Tobyn’s and cleared his throat. “Hallum over at the feed store said you make the best in Adeline.”

Tobyn was all sunshine, her lips parting, clearly unaware just how close she came to getting swept off her feet again. “That was nice of him to say that.”

It grew quiet in the kitchen. Outside the dying cicadas sang in the cottonwoods. The wind blew through ruffled curtains and a bob-white called across the pasture. Through the hallway off to one side, Asher caught a glimpse of a bedroom with a bed framed by a feminine wicker headboard. The bedspread was lacy, moving, almost floating from the breeze coming through windows open to the fresh air.

That bed sparked an image that took Asher’s imagination from there. He was all alone with a girl who was turning him on. If it wasn’t for his job, his purpose in being here, this whole neighborly thing—he could easily see his way to getting awful friendly with Tobyn McCall.

‘Cause things can get mighty uninhibited when you’re in the country.

My Cowboy's Calling is available on Amazon and can be purchased here: 

As for myself, I grew up raising cattle in Texas, fighting weather and drought, hauling hay and building fences, changing tires on gooseneck trailers and competing in the occasional playday on stock horses out of the ranch remuda. But like my characters, all modern-day cowboys and cowgirls, I had to find another career to make ends meet. That meant abandoning the land for lawyering. But the land did not abandon me, at least in my mind. I still carry the memories of white-faced cattle long gone and bottomland hay pastures now vanished beneath subdivisions.

Today I saddle up and ride the range in my imagination, writing stories that take place there. Stories about men and women looking to find what’s missing in their lives in a seemingly blank landscape. They always discover the same thing, far from the city crowds, in places where bob-whites call, a horse nickers and the wind whispers through cottonwood leaves—love.

Thank you for joining me today. To get to know me better, you can connect with me here: 


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