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Sunday, August 28, 2022

New release; Forbidden Paths #1 of The Clayton Boy's series

Hello, I'm Ruthie L. Manier. Thank you for joining me here today on Cowboy Kisses Blog! The subject I'm going to talk about today is child abuse whether it be mental, physical or sexual. I know, most of us dont want to think about these things happening, let alone talk about it. Yet children of all ages have been abused by family member's all throughout history. Even with all the laws and safety precautions they've set in motion to prevent abuse from happening. In my new release Forbiddin Paths the heroin Mischief was abused by her adopted father Albert King, after her adopted mother unexpectedly died from the fever. He was a good father up to then, but after his wife died he tured to alcohol as a means to deal with his suffering. Mr. King could not handle the liquor and became a mean, perverted, drunk. It started with a slap across her face when she objected to him drinking too much and he tried to kiss her on the lips. She was seventeen and knew it was inapropriate, besides he had never tried to kiss her on the lips before. As time went by his anger at her unwillingness to let him touch her became fierce and he started using his fists to beat her down. Then when she was the most vulnerable and too weak to fight back anymore he did the unimaginable, he raped her. Mischief felt lost, betrayed, dirty, and angry. Her hope was almost gone. Nowhere to go, nowhere to seek help, for she had already tried, until one stormy night she found the strength to fight back. Let's just put it this way...her stepfather never bothered her again. Men ruled the women and children in the 19th century and could treat them how they saw fit. Wrong or right did not matter. Mischief was able to get away from her stepfather but soon after she caught a gunslingers attention who was planning to take her willing or not. The same cyle was begining and she was scared. Mischief had vowed after her adopted father had fled, that shewould never let anyone abuse her again and bought a small handgun for her protection. She would be ready to defend herself if anyone ever tried to abuse her again. In the twentieth century things aren't handled the way they were when it was a wild frontier and an eye for an eye was the way problems were deal with instead of through the law, but there are many different avenues of getting help from the time children are very young, starting at their doctors office, preschool, and then school. Everybody must be aware of the signs and be watchful. THE LINK BELOW IS WHERE YOU CAN GO TO LEARN MORE ABOUT THE SIGNS TO WATCH FOR. And what you should do if you suspect a child of any age is being abused in any way.
The first documated case of child abuse was in 1874 in the United States. Mary Ellen McCormack was the abused child. “My name is Mary Ellen Wilson. I don’t know how old I am. Mamma whips and beats me almost every day. I’ve never been kissed by love. I’m never allowed to play with other children and I never dare to speak to anybody because if I did, I would get whipped. Whenever mamma goes out she locks me in the bedroom. I’ve never been outside…” I shared an article below from The New York Times. >
Here is the link to my new release: FORBIDDEN PATHS It is a heart breaking story yet as always in a romance Love provails and her hero Hunter returns. Follow me on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and many other social sites! I'd love to hear from you!

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