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Friday, January 13, 2023

I'd Rather be Writing

January is a favorite month of mine. The holidays - though enjoyable - are over, my house is back in order, and a brand new year awaits to accomplish goals. The weather is sometimes cold or rainy, allowing me to remain indoors without guilt or disappointment and giving me time to craft my latest WIP (work in progress).

This January is off to a slow start, though, at least where writing is concerned. I stepped into the role of unit educator at my job and took on doing the night shift schedule. Then a client sent me a manuscript for editing that should've arrived weeks before. I'm powering through that only to do taxes in early February, then another edit.

I did manage to get quite a bit of research done around the end of the year. My goal is to have more plot- and setting details worked out before I start writing this time. That will make drafting go faster when I finally get going.

I made one choice as part of a new year's resolution that is going to be a game changer. I signed up for Factor75 keto meal delivery. The food is fabulous, and not having to cook supper has freed up a ton of time.

There's also the fan factor. Book four of the Forging America series is the most requested story of all. I have no doubt that fans will nudge me until it gets written. LOL

What are your plans for 2023?


  1. Hi Melissa! I was all excited to get back into writing beginning this Monday, until I realized it's a holiday and either kiddo or hubbs will be home, or both... I like the house quiet when I write, so there's always Tuesday. Have a great day and good luck with your goals.

  2. Thanks, ladies! I am determined to make time for it. I'm taking a little vacation time in February to do taxes. Hopefully I'll squeeze some writing in then.


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