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Wednesday, January 11, 2023

 A very warm good morning to y'all!

I'm so excited to join everyone here at Cowboy Kisses. I'm look forward to interacting with all of you and to celebrate my participation, I put Love in the Bargain and The Bounty Hunter's Bargain on sale for this weekend! 

Sale starts Friday the 13th and ends on Sunday the 16th. Also, all my books are enrolled in Kindle Unlimited.

Some random nuggets about me:

I met, dated, got engaged and married my husband all in six months. We're celebrating our sixteenth anniversary this year.

I had Hypermesis Gravidarum with both pregnancies (the same illness The Princess of Wales, Catherine, suffered with in her pregnancies).

I hate stickiness. Absolutely a struggle, especially with two small kiddoes.

I love Beta Heroes and tend to write Beta Heroes. So if you like a good story featuring a Beta Hero, I hope you'll check out my work.

If you're keen on joining my Newsletter, I would love to have you!




  1. Welcome Lucette! We are so happy to have you join us.

  2. Thanks for the introduction and the gifts. Doris
    PS I don't like the being sick either.


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