Author Pages

Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Character Interview with Camille Prescott ~ Julie Lence


Last month our interviewer sat down with Burke Montgomery from All I Want for Christmas Is You. This month our interviewer is sitting down with Burke’s heroine, Camille Prescott. She’s lived on a farm her entire life with her parents and older sister. Her father took ill not too long ago and passed, leaving Camille, her mother and sister to take over his chores and keep the farm going. Even before losing her father, Camille knew she never wanted to labor in the fields or chop wood. Watching her sister don a man’s coat and trousers and struggle to keep up with their father’s chores solidified her determination to find a man wealthy enough to ensure the future she wanted. But, as Camille and I settle around the table in her kitchen, a pot of tea and a plate of cookies before us, you’re about to discover that the best laid plans are always susceptible to change.


Thank you for meeting with me, Camille. What can you tell me about Burke Montgomery? What did you think the 1st time you saw him? The first time he came to the farm was with Landry, to help Slade put a new roof on the barn. Slade’s an outlaw and married to my sister. Landry is Slade’s brother. He’s also an outlaw and owns the saloon in Jackson Creek. Burke is his bartender. I only caught a glimpse of Burke that morning as he and Landry rode across the front yard toward the barn. Ma snuck up behind me and yanked me away from the window, bade to mop the floors. From what I remember, Burke sat upright in the saddle and didn’t wear a hat.   

What was your 2nd thought? I really don’t know. I guess I thought him handsome enough, (she answers, adding a dollop of cream to her tea.) His shoulders are a lot broader than Doug McCallister. Doug is my sister’s ex-fiancé and wealthy. He had enough men working on his ranch to guarantee I’d never work in the fields. He seemed to like the way I brushed up against; I was sure he’d propose marriage to me before the end of the year. (She wrinkles her nose.) Burke has the nicest eyes, but he didn’t have the wealth to keep me from blistering my hands the way my sister blistered hers when she took over Pa’s chores… before Slade came along and took control of the farm.

How did you go from having an interest in Doug McCallister to having an interest in Burke? Doug and his father fell on hard times and moved away. Before that, Ma insisted on several occasions that Burke join us for the evening meal. He was quiet those nights and had impeccable manners. (She pushes the plate of ginger cookies toward me. ) Have one.

I can’t resist; fresh from the oven, they smell heavenly. Thank you. (I bite into the cookie. Mmmm… they taste every bit as heavenly as they smell.)  So, it was during one of those meals that you began to have feelings for Burke?  Good heavens, no.  His chiseled cheeks may have been enticing, but he was still Landry’s bartender, and bartender’s don’t make a lot of money. (She breaks off a bite of cookie.) Besides, it was right before Doug moved away that Glen Stafford came to Jackson Creek to help his uncle enlarge the Stafford property. Glen has pretty eyes, and gossip around the church yard hinted he had just enough wealth to afford me the lifestyle I wanted. Then Sarah Jane stole him from me. (Camille pouts.) I was heartbroken. (And brightens.) But then, Burke happened along and that’s when I had a change of heart regarding him and his work.

What do you like most about Burke? Where do I start? (She bites down on her fingernail for a moment.) He’s loyal, kind, caring. He loves me, and when he holds me in his arms—arms that are more sinewy than any man I know—I feel cherished and safe, happier than I’ve ever been.  He’s a good man, and I’m a lucky girl.

How would Burke describe you? Smug, sassy, bold… He likes that about me. (She smiles fondly.) He’d also say I’m a good cook, the prettiest girl in all of Texas, and the only girl he’s ever loved.

And you love him? More than anything in the world. 

To find out just what caused Camille to have a change of heart and determine she loves Burke, grab a copy of their Christmas story and read today. Available only at Amazon.



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