Author Pages

Friday, April 7, 2023

Introducing Sam Johnson from The Johnsons of Junova ~ Raine Rochelle


The second book in The Johnsons of Junova series, Heartbeat, is still a work in progress, but I thought it would be a good time to meet the main character, Sam Johnson. To that end, I’ve had a brief interview with him to give you an idea of the sort of guy he really is:

For such a handsome cowboy, Sam doesn’t come across as the most confident guy in the coffee house. He gives me a shy—but totally breathtaking—grin as he nears the table where I’m enjoying a cup of tea. I watch him pick up a shawl that has fallen from an elderly lady’s chair, and his smile isn’t lost on her as he hands it to her. Arriving at our table, he removes his hat before reaching out to shake my hand. His manners are impeccable, and I hide a gasp as he takes the chair opposite me.

“I hope I haven’t kept you waiting,” he says, with sincerity in his gorgeous eyes.

I assure him that he hasn’t, and the waitress brings him a coffee before I start with the questions.

So, you met Lydia at the hospital where your father was being treated following his heart attack. Was she a patient at the time?

He nods, a dreamy look emanating from his whole face. “Yes. She has arrhythmia, which means that her heart doesn’t keep the usual, steady rhythm. At the time she’d just been helping her family move house to Brightside and may have been overdoing things a little. Her heart was beating too fast so she’d been taken in while they monitored it and observed her.” With a little laugh he adds, “Though they didn’t observe her all that well as she kept sneaking off the ward whenever she wasn’t wired up to machinery. She said she got bored and went off to explore the rest of the hospital.”

What first attracted her to you?

He laughs, looking a little sheepish. “She’s very beautiful. But I was really taken by the way she was so upbeat about everything. So positive. We got talking and she really made me feel quite optimistic about my dad, who’d had a recent heart attack, as you probably know. She even made me laugh at times when I thought my whole world was about to come crashing down on me. Dad didn’t make a lot of progress at first, and the family were all real concerned about whether he’d pull through.”

How did Lydia cope with her own health situation?

Sam gives me an incredulous look. “The same way she copes with everything—with positivity. She’s lived with her condition all her life, but it’s just recently that it’s started to become a problem. She knows her family worry about her, but she wishes they wouldn’t fret so much. Lydia’s a sensible girl; she takes her meds regularly and tries to live a healthy lifestyle. The last thing she wants is to be treated any different from anyone else. She doesn’t see arrhythmia as an illness or anything, it’s just something she lives with.” He smiles. “She’s amazing.”

Is she ‘the one’?

He beams. “You’ll have to find that out for yourself. Love never runs smoothly, but I will say that’s she’s an incredible and very understanding woman. You can’t help but love her.”


Looks like we’ll have to wait for the release of Heartbeat to find out more, but I hope this gives a little insight into the guy himself. I’ll let you know as soon as I have a launch date organised.

Stay safe and well until next time,


The Johnsons of Junova is a continuation of The Billionaires of Brightside Ranch that can also be read as a standalone series.

Book 1 in the Series, Heartstrings is available HERE.

Don’t forget that The Billionaires of Brightside Ranch series is currently FREE in Kindle Unlimited

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