Author Pages

Friday, March 29, 2024

Maps and Research by Zina Abbott


One thing I find indispensable when it comes to writing historical novels is using maps for my research. I have developed quite an online collection as a result of my past almost ten years of writing. I’ll focus on a few maps I found helpful for my three books which are either published, or will be published, in the first half of 2024.

I write most of my novels—many of them in the mail-order bride category—primarily set in the 1860s through 1900s. The main mode of long-distance transportation at that time was the railroad. One map I use frequently enough that I keep it on my computer wallpaper shows the primary lines built up to the 1870s (just after the Trans-continental Railroad was completed), and the lines built between the 1870s and 1890s. I refer to it as part of my advance planning to make help determine if a connection between two or three points by rail is even feasible.

For two of my books, several scenes in each were set in Columbus, Ohio. Although not the West, I like to use it as one of the places from which my characters originally lived. I found a map with the major cities in Ohio helpful.

For my second book, my heroine was a secondary character in one of my earlier books. In the first book, although she appears in the scenes set in Columbus, I identified her destination as West Virginia. This year, with her as my main character, I needed to develop a backstory and location for the opening scene. I looked for cities that were connected by rail to Columbus during the decade my story was set. I settled on Huntington, West Virginia, which is across the Ohio River from the state of Ohio. This city was developed as a railroad terminal for a Virginia-based road so that freight could be carried across the river and continue on the myriad of rail lines available in Ohio. 

As a side note, Huntington, West Virginia, was named after the same Collis Potter Huntington who was one of the "Big Four" who financed the Central Pacific Railroad, the western portion of the Transcontinental Railroad. Once that project ended, he moved on to other railroads in the East.

For my Rejected Mail-Order Bride book, I needed a location farther west than West Virginia, but where the return trip after she is rejected will take her through Columbus. I looked for locations in Wisconsin. The issue I ran into was that, although Wisconsin still had a lot of wilderness areas, many towns were settled by the 1850s or earlier. If a settled area, there might not have been a big need for finding wives through correspondence. 

I searched until I found Marshfield, a town not developed until 1872 when the Wisconsin Central Railroad built a line to connect Chicago with Lake Superior. The railroad chose Marshfield to be a rail stop for taking on fuel and water, and the town developed from there. I love finding railroad maps like the one below.

Often, I go straight to Google Maps for one of two reasons. For one book, I knew the cities highlighted in the snippet, below, were close to each other. However, I had two soldiers being discharged from Fort Leavenworth, but who end up in St. Joseph. From there, they planned to board a train taking them east and north. I needed to know if the fort was north or south of St. Joseph. Also, I needed an idea of the approximate distance between the two locations.

For my last book, the opening scenes will take place in Lawrence, Kansas. This same map also gives me the locations and proportionate distances from other major cities.
In another instance, I looked up Columbus, Ohio, on Google Maps. I needed to know the names of the surrounding small towns. Once I identified them, from there I checked Wikipedia to see if the towns were in existence at the time of my story, and, if so, what their general status was. That was how I chose Franklinton, a town that is now a neighborhood of Columbus, no longer a separate town.
In one of my stories, I have my characters going all over the country. As my one hero, a former soldier, considers what sort of work he wishes to do now he is no longer in the U.S. Army, he ends up looking into the stagecoach run between Deadwood in the Black Hills of Dakota Territory. I looked for a map of the stagecoach route.

My third book is my covered wagon story, the third I have written for the Prairie Roses Collection. Each of my stories followed the one before. I started by gathering the maps for the major trails, like the one below, that I already had on file for the major trails.

Last year, when I began looking for maps that showed greater detail of the California Trail, one interesting source I stumbled across were the Triple-A maps. Along with current streets and features, several show some of the early trails. I used the one below for the section of the California Trail that took my characters to Carson City. That, combined with research of the physical characteristics of the landscape, helped me better describe the setting as the small train crossed the Forty Mile Desert and where exactly they finally reached the Carson River.

These are just a small sample of the maps I have searched for and keep on file to help flesh out the details of my books.

My first book published in 2024 was Jocelyn’s Wedding Dilemma, Book 2 in the series, The Matchmaker and the Mother-in-Law. I used the United State railroad map, plus the maps I have of Ohio and Colorado. 

Jocelyn’s Wedding Dilemma is now available for sale as an ebook and at no additional cost with a Kindle Unlimited subscription. To find the book description and purchase options, please CLICK HERE

My next publication will be Florence’s Good Deed, Book 6 in the Rejected Mail-Order Brides series. Again, I placed part of this story in Columbus, Ohio. Florence and Asher were introduced as secondary characters in my last year’s book, Elise. That was when I first became familiar with Columbus. Parts of this book took me to Huntington, West Virginia; Marshfield, Wisconsin; Cheyenne, Wyoming Territory; and Helena, Montana. I sought out maps for all locations, particularly the railroad maps I needed.

 Florence’s Good Deed is now on pre-order with a release date of April 15, 2024 (tax day). To find the book description and link, please CLICK HERE

My third book for which I have already started gathering maps is Lucy, Book 46 in the Prairie Roses Collection. This book takes me from Lawrence, Kansas, during the Civil War to California.

Lucy is now on pre-order with a release date of May 2, 2024 (yes, my writing schedule will be tight). To find the book description and link, 



Thursday, March 28, 2024

New Release ~ Julie Lence

 Hello Everyone! I'm excited to share with you my new release, The Singer Ropes A Cowboy.  Available exclusively at Amazon, (, in both e-book and paperback format, this is my 1st contemporary western romance, and the 1st book in the Bennett Family Series. 

Country music superstar Bailey Bennett wasn’t looking for love, until Chip Colucci flashed her a glare she couldn’t resist.  


Country music sensation Bailey Bennett is in New York City to assist her twin sister in the buying of Bella Cosmetics and to look over a Thoroughbred who loathes racing, but while at the track, Bailey encounters an irksome stable hand looking after an abused pinto. Something about the glare in his pretty dark eyes suggests he’s believed too many of the lies printed about her. Something else suggests his sinew is exactly what she needs to overcome the past. Either way, the horses are a package deal, and she reluctantly hires Chip to acclimate them to Bennett Ranch. Has she just made a deal with the Devil? Or has she made the decision of a lifetime?

 A New Yorker his entire life, Chip Colucci values family and honesty above everything else. When his father is seriously injured, he quits night school to take a part-time job bouncing at a strip club. When combined with his salary from the race track, the money’s enough to pay the never-ending doctor bills and keep food on the table. But then, Belmont cuts his hours and he’s forced to hire on with Bailey Bennett. Acclimating the horses to her family’s ranch in Reno isn’t a hardship. Working alongside her is. Lurking behind a brilliant smile is a she-devil who only cares about herself. Trouble is, he wants that she-devil to favor him, for a lifetime and more. 


“Chip!” Bailey’s hand froze mid-air, as she jerked around his direction. “You startled me.”

“Sorry.” He halted just out of her reach. “Thought you’d be buried beneath your blankets dreaming whatever girls dream.”

“Nope. Too many thoughts running through my mind.” 

“The horses?” He nodded toward Misty and Polly.

“Them, the Christmas show, Bella, Barbie…” Her fingers glided into the pinto’s mane. “You can’t sleep, either?”

“Nope. Miss the sound of the subway rattling by.”


“I can understand that. When I’m home, I get used to the quiet of the ranch. When the tour starts, it takes me a few days to get used to Paulie and the others on the bus.”

“You live on the ranch?” He stepped closer, kept his gaze on her and her makeup free complexion.

“I had a condo close to the recording studio, but I moved back here after I hired Paulie. I…” she ran her palm down the side of her jeans, “like being near the horses.”

“Nice,” he absently replied. She has brown flecks in her eyes. Never knew that.

“Barbie has the room next to mine. When we’re home, Mom spoils us. And the ranch hands watch over us. Who can resist that?”

“Not a clue.” She’s got a tiny indent on her cheekbone. Makeup must cover it.

“You must feel the same sense of security living in your childhood home.”

“Sure.” He considered her hair. Long, thick, silky; What did she just say? Something about security and the ranch hands. He met her gaze, noted the tiredness staring back at him. But past that lurked something else. Unease? Could be. “I live at home by choice. Before Pops’ accident, I was going to school at night. Lot easier paying for books when I don’t have to pay rent.” Does she fear being alone with me? She didn’t seem to mind those times at Belmont.

“What are you studying?”

“Veterinary medicine.”

“Really?!” Her entire being brightened.

Maybe not me. “Got the urge when I worked my cousin’s ranch, but with Pops laid up, I had to quit school. Don’t know if I’ll ever go back.”

“Oh, don’t say that.” She grasped his arm.

Definitely not me. He gazed down at her hand. Slender fingers… long, manicured fingernails…

“Where there’s a will, there’s a way. When Barbie and I started in this business, we sang backup for our brothers. It was fun, but in my heart, I knew rock-n-roll wasn’t for me. I wanted a career in country music and caused a rift  when I left for Nashville.”

“You talking about Barbie?” He kept his gaze on her hand. “People leave gossip magazines at the track. A lot of articles talked about a feud between her and you.”

“I didn’t want for her and me to go our separate ways. I wanted her to come with me.” She sighed heavily. “The worst was when our managers scheduled us to appear together. We’d smile and sing for the fans, but backstage, she barely spoke to me. It broke my heart.”

“If Dominic barely spoke to me, I wouldn’t cry. I’d celebrate.”

“You say that now, but you wouldn’t.”

“Yeah, pretty sure I would. He talks more than a girl.”

“When she has something to say, Barbie won’t come up for air. But she’s sweet, and she’s been…” She swallowed hard. “I’ve been…” Tears welled in her eyes and she looked away.

“Awe, hey, look, don’t cry.” He touched her cheek and heat ricocheted up his arm. Sonofa… “You love your sister. Ain’t nothing wrong with that.”

“I do.” She sniffled. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable. I actually enjoy joshing with people.”

“Good.” He ran the pad of his thumb beneath her eye, dried the wetness from her skin. She’s soft, and too damn vulnerable when she cries.

Hold her, that flutter urged. Comfort her.

Hell, no! He dropped his hand, stepped back. “I should get back to the bunkhouse.”

“And me to my room.” She lowered her lashes, but not before he glimpsed her eyes glistening again.

Awe, hell. He gently pulled her to him, held her close and felt her tremble. Or was that him?


Author's Note:

I hope you enjoy Bailey and Chip's story as much as I enjoyed writing it. Hugs! 

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

The Great Eclipse of 1878

 Have you ever witness a total solar eclipse? What a remarkable and magical event. In 1878, news of this upcoming cosmic occurrence took the county by storm.                 

  The eclipse traveled through British Columbia, along the spine of the Rocky Mountains and directly over Pikes Peak, making Colorado a top spot for best viewing. Much national attention was focused on cities like Central City, and Colorado Springs, while elevating Denver from a Cowtown of frontier violence and mineral wealth, to a sophisticated scientific community. 

Known as The Great Eclipse, the phenomenon created a spark of scientific interest in everyday people, drawing the country together. Everyone would be looking up that day. 
 Never fear, the women of 1878 were represented! Maria Mitchell arrived leading an all-female expedition to show the world what lady astronomers could do. The press called them "the Vassar girls". Even Thomas Edison made the trip west, but while the majority of scientists and astronomers watched in Colorado, he opted for Wyoming. 

              Not everyone had a pleasant experience. 
    Although the event took place in July, Colorado weather threw the viewers a curve. The wind howled, and 10 inches of snow fell on Pikes Peak. Setting up camp at over 14,000 feet in elevation, Samuel Pierpont Langley, battled not only the weather but a debilitating case of altitude sickness. Undaunted, with grit and determination, he still managed to capture one of the best images of the time. 
Observatories popped up everywhere. One was set up on the roof of the famous Teller House in Central City. Another posh hotel in Colorado Springs hired a band to entertain guests as they watch the solar display.

Local churches cashed-in as well, steeple windows and bell towers went for fifty cents apiece. Thronged with spectators from Europe and the states, tourist at Garden of the Gods rented tents and watched for twenty-five cents each. 
Even the U.S. Government lent a hand when Congress appropriated $8,000 in funds for eclipse observations and expeditions. What a wonderful era when innocent amazement of the world and nature still existed, yet science and education was burgeoning to make lives more interesting and better.

 The next total eclipse to pass over the United States is April 8, 2024. Check to see totality for your area. Looks like it will be south and east of Colorado.

  If you live in Colorado, a total solar eclipse like the one in 1878, won't come along until Aug. 12, 2044!!! 

 Will the eclipse bring together more than the sun and the moon!
   In my story Break Heart Canyon, my hero and heroine, Ryker and Una watch the eclipse all comfy and cozy in a hay cart. 



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Monday, March 25, 2024

Ruby’s Redemption

Ruby’s Redemption is the fourth of my holiday collection and I am delighted to announce it will be available on March twenty-eighth! Preorder is available now. Some Background I chose the names of the main characters as Ruby and Willis after my grandparents on my fathers side of the family. I always loved their names and especially how they sound together. Here is a sample. CHAPTER ONE Evil Strikes Nestled in the heart of Southwest Arkansas, the Hanson farm was a beehive of activity during the day and silent and reflective at night. The moonlight glistened on a timeworn barn that sagged under the weight of memories and years of service. The whispering wind carried secrets through its rusted eaves. The land had seen generations of toil, love, and strife. Soaked with sweat and tears, the soil continued to nourish and support a hard-working family of six. Like their predecessors, the Hanson family struggled to keep the operation afloat. Their labor was an outgrowth of love for the land and cherished tradition held dear by all. On a moonless night, when shadows clung to the ancient oaks, a malevolent force invaded, careful not to stir man or beast. Spurned love fueled his raging desire as he crept through the inky darkness. As he approached the farmhouse, the epicenter of his torment, footprints marked the dew-kissed grass. Ruby, the oldest of three Hanson daughters, was the object of Shawn Sheridan’s unholy obsession. They dated briefly at the University of Arkansas, but Ruby rejected his affections without a word of condolence or sorrow. She dropped out of school and returned to the miserable farm in Pyatt. He followed her to the farm community, hoping to rekindle the romance that consumed his soul. Not only Ruby rejected him. So did her family. Her father banished Shawn from their property under threat of arrest. The patriarch erected a wall of protection for his daughter that Sheridan could not penetrate. He would show them, though. If he couldn’t have Ruby, nobody would. Like a thief in the night, his heart pounded as he approached the two-story residence. He carried two cans of gasoline. One contained vengeance, the other despair. They were a volatile mix. The flashlight in his pocket cast a feeble glow, revealing the gnarled path ahead. His breath hitched, and he whispered, “Ruby is mine.” Inside, the family slept blissfully, unaware of the impending conflagration that brewed outside. A single match, the evil accomplice of a demented mind, unleashed its fury. Fiery lips, eager to devour everything they touched, feasted eagerly on century-old lumber. Hot and insidious flames and black smoke slithered upward. They consumed the first floor before infiltrating the upper level. Thick smoke stole breath, silenced dreams, and claimed five souls before the flames ever reached them. Shawn watched from below, waiting for his beloved Ruby to come to a window and seek his help. Neither she nor any of the Hansons sought to escape, however. The arsonist’s hopes turned to fear when the flames engulfed the roof. The tragic loss of life struck hard for a brief moment. Then, the demons assured Shawn the family got what they deserved. Sirens sounded as he laid a burning ember to the ancient barn. He was laughing as he ran to escape the flaming scene. Fire Marshal Ryan White saw Sheridan’s pickup racing away, and it did not take long to match the license plate to the man who reaped such carnage. The entire farm was hopelessly ablaze when the Volunteer Fire Department finally arrived. Firefighters stood as stoic witnesses to the evil of humankind. From the charred remnants, they recovered five bodies. The sixth, Ruby Hanson, was not one of them. CHAPTER TWO New Acquaintances Fifteen years later In the rolling hills of Arkansas, Ruby Hanson, a dedicated farmer with a gentle spirit, finds solace in the peaceful rhythms of nature. She lovingly manages the land that has been home to her family for generations. Ruby dreams of better times and shedding the tormented past that clouds her path to a happy future. Beep! Beep! The car horn blares, bringing Ruby out of her miasma. Grabbing her purse and keys, she leaves her home, sprinting to her friend Holly’s truck. “Good afternoon, Holly. Thanks for picking me up,” she says. “No problem, Ruby. Like I have told you many times before, it saves gas money when we carpool. Are you excited about Eleanor’s party tonight?” Holly asked as she stepped on the gas. “It is a barbecue, not a party,” Ruby answered, clicking her seatbelt. “Same thing. Quit avoiding the question, Ruby,” Holly insisted, knowing Ruby liked to avoid topics that make her uncomfortable. “Truthfully, not really. If Eleanor had not ordered fruit and vegetables from me, I would not be going.” Holly rolled her eyes. “What? You know I do not care for big gatherings,” Ruby explained. “Eleanor is our friend, and the rest of the guests will be friends, too,” Holy replied. “Have you seen the guest list?” “No, why?” “It’s huge! You would think it was a wedding reception.” Their eyes twinkled with the joy their smiles reflected. “Hmm, I did not realize that. Do you think it finally happened?”f “That Chuck has proposed!” Ruby asked. “It is about darn time if he has!” Holly added. The two best friends agreed cheerfully, and the rest of the ride was filled with happy chatter for their good friend,Eleanor. They shared her hopes and dreams for a blissful future. CHAPTER THREE The Gathering Mingling, Holly went from guest to guest while Ruby clung in her shadow. Holly was a social butterfly, beaming as she chatted. Ruby enjoyed letting her do most of the talking. Many of Eleanor’s guests were old friends and customers atRuby’s fruit and vegetable stand, where Holly worked. Ruby did the bookkeeping and farming while Holly, with her gift for gab, focused on sales. Ruby enjoyed the gathering but was most interested in partaking of the delicious-smelling food. She chose an empty table, and Holly quickly joined her. “I have not had this much fun in ages. Have you?” Holly asked Ruby while taking a seat. “I am enjoying it more than I thought I would,” Ruby answered truthfully before taking a bite of the potato salad. “Yum! This potato salad is delicious.” Holly quickly tasted hers and added, “It is nice and creamy. I wonder if Eleanor made it. I need the recipe.” “Yeah, me too!” agreed Ruby. Across the crowd, a handsome cowboy spotted Ruby, a true beauty with long honey-kissed hair. His breath caught. He smiled as romantic thoughts warmed his heart, making his majestic gray eyes sparkle. Local rancher, Willis Dunton, maneuvered through the tables with his plate and grabbed a chair beside the two close friends. He hoped he might strike up a conversation. He had just taken a seat when Pastor James suddenly appeared and sat across the table from him. “Good afternoon, Willis,” the reverend said, reaching to shake the rancher’s hand. “Hello, James, it is good to see you,” the rancher said, dropping his fork on his plate. “I am happy to see you as well. And I have a proposition for you,” Pastor James said “What do you need?” The priest chuckled and said, “I won’t beat around the bush…” “That’s best; I do not have much time,” Willis replied before he could finish. “As you know, Easter is coming soon. Well, I would like to have the stage and stairs remodeled. I am afraid the stairs might collapse on Easter morning because of the large crowd we expect. While we are at it, we should do the entire kit and caboodle.” Willie’s eyes narrowed. The man had saved him when he was riding a rocky trail. He could not deny James anything he needed. “That would be terrible,” Willis said. “What do you think? Is it possible before the holiday? I realize you are busy with your ranch. I will get volunteers to help you.” “You can stop trying to convince me. I will be by tomorrow afternoon to assess the damage. If you want the remodel done by Easter, I must start immediately.” “You are forthright and a blessing, my friend. I admire that about you. Thank you.” “No thanks needed. I am always happy to help,” James knew Willis well. He sensed he was attracted to Ruby because his eyes kept moving toward her. Willis worked too hard and seldom took time for a social life. He needed to find someone special to provide substance to his existence. Ruby was a sweet but troubled member of his congregation. He guessed Willis would be a good influence on her. Perhaps he could help her get over her troubled past. So far, his efforts had failed. He seized the opportunity to introduce them. “Ruby, it is good to see you,” James said, turning to her. “Pastor James, I did not know you were coming.” “Excuse me for intruding. I snuck in on my friend, Willis,” James said and chuckled. “Oh, where are my manners?Have you two met?” Both of the women shook their heads. Willis and Ruby turned to look at each other. Something magical happened when their eyes locked. Neither knew what it was, but it was more than a casual attraction. “Well, let me be the first to make your introduction then. Ladies, this is my good friend, Willis Dunton. He owns a ranch up north of town. Willis, these two women are members of my congregation. Ruby Hanson owns a fruit and vegetable farm and operates a stand in town. Her lovely friend, Holly Stanford, works at Ruby’s fruit stand. Willis removed his cowboy hat and reached his hand to Ruby. As their hands slid together, Ruby felt electric pulses down her spine. Willis wouldn’t allow her to pull away. He cupped her hand in both of his and said, “It is nice to meet you, Miss Ruby. “ Breathlessly, she whispered, “Likewise.” I hope you enjoyed this sample of Ruby’s Redemption enough to want to continue reading to the end. Find it on Amazon! Here is the link. I hope you enjoy a wonderful Easter filled with love, joy, and family. Remember the reason we celebrate! Be kind to all you meet! xoxoxo

Thursday, March 14, 2024

Camels in the Old West


 In the 1800s, the arrival of red camels in Texas heralded a unique chapter in the state's history. This unconventional addition to the Texas landscape came as a result of an ambitious experiment undertaken by the United States Army in the mid-19th century. Seeking to improve transportation and communication across the arid and rugged terrain of the American Southwest, particularly in the deserts of Texas, the U.S. Army turned to an unexpected source: camels. These creatures, renowned for their endurance and adaptability to desert environments, were deemed ideal for traversing the harsh conditions of the region.


Led by Major George H. Crossman, the U. S. Army's Camel Corps imported dozens of camels from the Middle East, primarily from areas such as Egypt and Tunisia.  Among these camels were the distinctive reddish-brown dromedaries, known as red camels, which stood out against the backdrop of the Texan landscape.  The camels were put to use in various capacities, including carrying supplies, mail, and even serving as mounts for soldiers. Their ability to travel long distances without water and their remarkable stamina made them invaluable assets in an era when conventional means of transportation struggled to cope with the challenges posed by the Southwest's harsh environment.

 Despite their effectiveness, the experiment with the red camels in Texas was short-lived. With the outbreak of the Civil War in 1861, resources were diverted and the Camel Corps was disbanded. Many of the camels were sold off or simply set loose into the wild, where they became legendary figures in Texan folklore.

 Though the era of the red camels in Texas may have been brief, their presence left an indelible mark on the state's history, serving as a reminder of the innovative spirit and adventurous nature of those who sought to tame the untamed frontier of the American Southwest.



Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Battle of the Backstory

Telling Too Much

 Battling Backstory

Recently I read an award winning novel that was certainly interesting, but had one troubling flaw. At least to me.

The author shoved tons of backstory at me in the first chapter or two. Tons. The book began with the heroine going through routine chores in her prairie home. This gave the author plenty of space to tell us about how the heroine met her husband, where she was brought up, how her husband proposed to her, the trouble she had birthing her child, a miscarriage, and that her husband had mood swings that were getting progressively worse.

Nothing wrong with all of that information. We need to know about the characters to understand why they do what they do. However, backstory is best when it is revealed in thin slices -- like peeling an onion. If you tell me all this stuff about a character's past right when I first meet her or him, I'm not ready! I have just met this character! It's like meeting someone in a grocery store, exchanging a bit of small talk, and then the person launches into a sermon about her life up to this point. Do I want to hear this now? No!

Wait until I am emotionally invested in a character before you ladle on the backstory. Make me want to know . . . make me question . . . make me wait a little before you show me a glimpse of a scene in the character's past that will provide insight on why the character acted a certain way in a previous scene. Just because you have a wealth of information about the character, doesn't mean you have to tell your reader every tidbit of it. You might even know something about the character that you never have to reveal in the novel because it isn't necessary. It's important for you to know, but you don't have to share it with your readers because it doesn't add to the story.

Backstory can be boring if it is delivered too soon and glopped on like paint splatters. Readers will skip over it or glance through it because they are not emotionally engaged yet and are anticipating dialogue or action.

The main focus of a first chapter is not backstory. The main focus should be to answer this blazingly important question; Why is this day unlike any other?

Readers are looking for the answer to that question in the first chapter and you had better not delay it any later than the beginning of your second chapter, or you will lose a lot of your readers. If it appears that this day in the character's life is no different than the day before, then why are you writing about it and expecting me to read about it? I might as well read someone's diary.

So, go easy on the backstory. Let me get to know your main characters through their actions and dialogue before you give me snippets of information about how life formed them, shaped them, and led them to this moment in time.

National Women's History Month - A Look Back on Suffrage

Post by Doris McCraw

aka Angela Raines 

The Apotheosis of Suffrage
From the Library of Congress

March is National Women's History Month. In honor of the month, I'm taking a look back at what the papers were saying in the late 1800s.

From the Rocky Mountain News March 9, 1889, on Women's Suffrage

From that same publication of March 14, 1885

The Colorado Banner January 13, 1876

The Colorado Weekly Chieftain April 28, 1870

For anyone so inclined, you can sign up for my newsletter. It's free (for now): Thoughts and Tips on History

As Always,

Stay Safe, Stay Healthy, 
