I'm a born and bred Arizonan, although I did take a 20-year
detour in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Yes, I'm part of a diehard Pittsburgh Steeler
clan. Don't judge me. I've always loved to write. In high school, I penned fan
fiction in sci-fi/fantasy author Anne McCaffrey's Dragonrider's of Pern series.
(Unfortunately, I'm no relation to her.) When I was a stay-at-home mom with
four little ones underfoot, I decided at long last to write a manuscript,
mostly to see if I could really do it. The story in my mind was definitely Old
West, and thus began my fledgling writing career. Since my children are fleeing
the nest with increasing swiftness these days, I've finally taken a more
serious approach to my writing: keep regular hours, network more, have more
targeted marketing campaigns, and, most importantly, write BETTER AND MORE
INTERESTING STUFF. Y'all will have to let me know on that last one.
I have a great love of travel, and am fortunate to tag along
with my husband on business trips. My journeys frequently end up on my personal
blog, along with attempts at humor, often at the expense of my kids. This has
led them to proclaim, "We will no longer read your blog, Mom." They
also refuse to follow me on Twitter.
I believe life should be lived with curiosity, compassion,
and gratitude, and one should never be far from the enthusiasm of a dog. I also
like sleeping-in, eating Mexican food, and doing yoga at home in my pajamas.
Connect with Kristy
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