locomotives often have two types of sounding devises—bells and steam-powered
whistles. Although newer locomotives have moved to air horns, the old engines
of the 1800s relied on steam to power their whistles which generally located on
the top of the steam boiler in front of the engineer’s cab. Railroad employees
still use the term “whistle” to refer to signaling.
CLICK HERE to see and
hear a steam-driven locomotive whistle.
The loud
blasts served several purposes including signaling and warnings. Because trains
are fixed-rail vehicles, this was necessary to avoid collisions and other
If you wish
to hear examples of different train whistles through the years, please CLICK HERE.
Whistles were almost always actuated with a pull cord, or
sometimes a lever, that permitted proportional action, so that some form of
"expression" could be put into the sound. Many locomotive operators had
their own style of blowing the whistle. It was often apparent to other
employees who was operating the locomotive by the sound of the whistle.
During the
1800s, different whistles and signaling patterns became popular as railroad
technology developed and different whistles came into use.
Not all
these codes are universal, but vary by nation. Other signals used in the past
are obsolete. One signal that remains in use in North America is the one for
approaching a crossing such as that used by vehicles or farm equipment. It is
the Morse Code letter “Q”:
- . -
Why the
letter “Q”? Railroad technology was developed in England before it made its way
to North America. Even after the United States broke away from Britain—and that
nation finally accepted that we were a separate nation no longer under their
dominion—what took place in Britain still had a great influence on this nation.
Victoria reigned for sixty-three years from 1837 until 1901. Train travel was
the most efficient and comfortable mode of transportation at the time. When the
queen traveled, for security, efficiency, and homage reasons, the train on
which she rode was treated as a through train. All other trains were to clear
the rails during the times her trains were expected to pass. Likewise, those on
the ground crossings were to stay back and not impede her trains. The engineers
started using the signal “Q” to announce that the queen was on board the train.
Eventually, that became the signal for approaching a crossing.
1994-Santa Fe train before merger with Burlington-Northern under Bradley Overhead, Merced County. |
Since I
live close to two railroad lines—the Burlington-Northern & Santa Fe and the
Southern Pacific—I plan my driving routes between my little town and the
two neighboring communities around the railroad tracks. The BN&SF is not bad
to wait for if it is the Amtrak coming through. I don’t enjoy waiting for the
freight trains on either line, especially since one major crossing has the side track as well as the through track. Being blocked by one freight train waiting on another one to pass in the opposite direction is no fun.
One of my friends once asked why I didn’t take a
shorter route. I told her my game plan is to get across the tracks while the getting is good. I don’t like to take the chance the double tracks will still be
clear on the “short” driving route.
One thing I can tell you is, I’ve heard the above "approaching a crossing" signal
many times. It sounds like this: CLICK HERE.
Here is a
chart of some of the whistle codes used in North America.
As has been
known to happen to me before, after I finished and published my latest book, Kate’s
Railroad Chef, I realized there was in inconsistency in my story. I end
with those at the Jubilee Springs railroad depot hearing the train signal it is
approaching the station. However, the story starts with passengers waiting for
the train to arrive. Did they hear the whistle? If not, why not?
So, dear
reader, I rewrote the first chapter to include a few sentences about the train whistle. It will not
change the overall story line for those who already bought the book or are
reading it on Kindle Unlimited. However, I will publish the additions to
Chapter One here (If you have not yet read the book description, please be
aware my hero stutters.):
As he left his office, Garland raised his hands and shook
his head to ward off those waiting in the lobby as they surged toward him.
The question coming from one man who stepped in front of
him stopped Garland’s forward movement. “I was standing outside about an hour
ago and heard a whistle. How come the train’s not here yet?”
Garland focused his gaze on the man he did not recognize.
“You heard a whistle? How long ago?”
“At least an hour, maybe more. You know—toot-toot-toot,
and then nothing.”
“Thank you for t-telling me. I’m on my way to the
maintenance shop now. I’ll ask.” Garland raised his voice to be heard as he
pushed through the crowd. “I have no news. I’m going to s-s-send men to check.”
Once he reached the door leading outside the depot, Garland
finally broke free of the crowd. Gritting his teeth in frustration, he rushed
toward the repair shop used for necessary track and equipment maintenance.
After searching the premises, he finally spotted the foreman, Joe Hodges,
walking towards him. He strode over to meet the man. “T-train’s been delayed.”
“We noticed. What do you figure? They this side of
“Yes, Cotopaxi said the t-train is running an hour late,
but it should have been here. I need a handcar loaded with t-tools. Can s-some
of your men be p-prepared to go looking for it?”
Hodges grimaced. He twisted his upper body to look at his
crew of maintenance men huddled around a wood-burning heater toward one corner
of the repair building, and then he turned back. “I suppose we could. Hate
sending them out this late in the cold with the dark coming on, only to have
the locomotive round a bend and plow into them.”
As he glared at the man, Garland clamped his lips tight.
Everyone worried about getting hit by the train, but no one seemed concerned
that the engineer and passengers might have run into trouble. True, Martin
Underwood left him in charge, but there was a limit to how much he could order
around Joe, who had as much authority in his realm as he did in his. “A man
waiting in the depot s-said he was s-standing outside about an hour ago and
heard a whistle. No one in here heard anything like that?”
Hodges shook his head and waved his hand as if to brush
away the question. “Awhile back, one of my men said he thought he heard a couple
of short blasts. They were so faint, though, he decided he was just hearing
things. All the engineers who run this line blow a very distinct whistle after
they round that last point on Longfellow Gulch to signal they are approaching
the station. We know that sound like we do our own mothers’ voices. No one’s
heard anything like that tonight.”
As he leaned his head forward, Garland worked his jaw. Does he think I’m an idiot? I’m well aware
there is a list of whistles a train engineer uses to signal different
situations. “I’m aware there is a s-special Morse Code s-signal used
strictly for approaching the s-station. The whistles that your man did hear,
were they a s-series of short blips, like the s-signal used for an emergency?”
As Joe Hodges gaze met that of Garland’s, his eyes
widened, and he swallowed. “I don’t know. I’ll ask.” He shook his head. “That
whistle is pretty loud, and it’s not like we’re in the middle of a big storm
right now like we were yesterday. You’d think if the engineer did blow his
whistle, we all would have heard it.”
Garland shook his
head. Simple physics. “Not if the t-train
ran into t-trouble in the middle of the gulch. With the way the walls are s-steep
and shaped like an amphitheater, the gulch would p-project any s-sound the
t-train whistle makes toward the s-southeast, the direction it faces, which is
away from Jubilee S-Springs.”
Hodges cursed as he turned his face away and shook it.
“Makes sense, now you point it out. I’ve even had one engineer tell me that’s
why they wait until the locomotive rounds that last bend before they blow the
signal that they’re approaching the station.”
“Mr. Hodges, we
need to do s-something. Because Mr. Underwood is gone, I must s-stay at the s-station.”
Heaving a sigh, Hodges used his fingertips and thumb to
rub each side of his forehead. “I’ll send some men—”
“Hey, boss! We got someone here from the incoming train
needs to talk to you.”
Kate's Railroad Chef, the third book in the Train Wreck in Jubilee Springs series, is currently available both for purchase and for no additional charge using your Kindle Unlimited subscription. To find the book description, please CLICK HERE.
The link for the Train Wreck in Jubilee Springs series may be found by CLICKING HERE. (Amazon is being shy about putting it on its own series page since these books are also part of the Sweethearts of Jubilee Springs series.)
Steam Locomotive Components from Wikipedia
Train Whistle from Wikipedia
Photo of train whistle courtesy of the blog post,
by Jim Loomis, author of “All
Aboard! The Complete North American Train Travel Guide ” (Chicago Review