Reggi Allder


     Hi all, I’m happy to be a part of Cowboy Kisses. I hope you enjoy what I'll be sharing with you in the months to come. Reggi.

I write Western contemporary small-town romance and romantic suspense novels. My characters must overcome obstacles in both genres, as in real life. The males are strong, though they may be wounded. The women are determined to change their lives to manage their future. They each fight to discover hidden strengths and work toward lifelong goals.

I lived in the gold rush region of California and grew up hearing the stories of the forty-niners and the hunt for gold. I've also enjoyed talking to the retired cowboys my dad knew. They had great stories to tell of their disappointments and achievements. Later, I moved to the city and now understand the pros and cons of small-town and city living. In my books, my characters reflect those truths. I've studied creative writing and screenwriting at the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA). Besides standalone books, I am writing two series:

The small-town novels, The Sierra Creek Series, Her Country Heart, Book One of Four

Romantic suspense, Dangerous Series, Dangerous Web, Book One of Three. Dangerous Moves is her work in progress and is the fourth book in the series.

I have also contributed to cookbooks and have written children’s stories. I'm a film buff and collect classic movies. An animal lover, I've raised puppies for Guide Dogs for the Blind and did foster care for the SPCA. My husband and I have a rescue mutt and a purebred poodle. The dogs enjoy long walks with me and don’t mind if I stop to take a photo or two.

I enjoy hearing from readers. Follow me on Amazon, Bookbub, Facebook, and my website Reggi’s blog


sylvie grayson said...

Hi Reggi,

Good post on Johnny Appleseed. I remember reading his story as a child, but it didn't have nearly the amount of information :)

I love your books. Dangerous Web is most entertaining.
Sylvie Grayson

Reggi Allder said...

Wonderful to hear your kind words, Sylvie! I'm so pleased you enjoyed Dangerous Web!! Thanks for stopping by. :)

Reggi Allder said...

Hi all, hope you will stop by my blog. I offer recipes, classic movie reviews, and more.