I read a romance years ago that talked about the baby being
fed with a baby bottle in the 1850s. At the time my first reaction had me going
to the Internet to discover if this was at all possible. Perhaps it was the
author’s lack of description for the item and the modern image my thoughts conjured
that put me off from the book, but it did take me out of the context of the historical.
With this in mind, I decided to find out about baby bottles in the 1800s.
Basically, the attempt to manufacture some sort of feeding apparatus
has been around since the Middle Ages when they used a cow’s horn and a bit of
leather ties to the end. With all attempts at various “bottles” hygiene became
a serious issue and because of poor cleaning methods and a lack of
understanding regarding an infant’s dietary needs, the mortality rate for
babies under two was rather high.
But since this is about the old west, let’s talk about what the
western woman did when a wet nurse couldn’t be found to feed her child, and she
was unable for whatever reason to do so herself. A lot of pottery companies like Wedgewood actually
made feeding bottles. Vulcanized rubber was invented in the 1840s but because
of its strong odor, it would be several years later before they mass produced
rubber teats.
The ceramic bottles were quite lovely and came in a variety
of patterns. The shape was elongated with a hole in the top and looked a little like a small creamer pitcher. The milk would be
poured into the top hole and then a cork would hold the milk inside. The end of the
bottle came to a point where another hole allowed for the milk to flow out. A
cloth was tied to this end for the babe to suckle or if available, a rubber teat could be attached. For images, please take a
look at this site.
However most of the bottles used were very difficult to
clean and not necessarily recommended by doctors. In 1894, Allen and Hanbury
invented the double ended feeder, a bottle that was much easier to clean. Information reguarding these antique bottles also mentioned pap boats. Pap boats looked a lot like the ceramic bottles in shape but were completely open at the top. They look a little like a small pitcher. A simple pap recipe might consist of flour, bread, and water.
I can't even begin to imagine caring for a baby on a wagon train with limited supplies and a trail of dust and hard work. And let's say you had to make use of one of those ceramic bottles and you accidently broke it. You'd probably have to wait a while for the general store to get in a new shipment. We take so much for granted these days. With that in mind, I hope you'll join me in a moment of appreciation for all the modern conveniences.
As for including the baby bottle in a scene, here's a brief glimpse into Eliza's Copper Penny. In this scene, Eliza is caring for a wounded man whose derriere met with a bit of unfortunate buckshot and he's not all that happy about it:
As for including the baby bottle in a scene, here's a brief glimpse into Eliza's Copper Penny. In this scene, Eliza is caring for a wounded man whose derriere met with a bit of unfortunate buckshot and he's not all that happy about it:
“Are you ready for a bit of nourishment?”
Copper lifted his head at the intrusion. Eliza approached the
bed with what appeared to be a baby bottle. The boat like shape of the ceramic
container had a cork shoved in the top center hole and tapered to a narrow spout. The delicate pink floral pattern chafed at his male sensitivities. He
furrowed his brows until the space between his eyes hurt. “What the hell is
She glanced at the bottle and shrugged. “I couldn’t figure out
a way to feed you without dribbling it all over the sheets. I figured you could
just suck the broth instead of spooning it.”
At least she hadn't attached one of those new rubber suckling teats to the end. His temper flared. “Woman, I’m not a baby.”
“Well, of course not. It’s just that you can’t roll on your
back and sit up and trying to spoon feed you in the position you’re in now
would only mess the sheets.”
He lifted himself higher on his elbows and grimaced. “Take the
bottle away and bring me some real food. Steak would suit about now.”
“Tabor gave strict instructions on your diet for the next day
or so. You’ll have to content yourself with broth.”
Tabor must be laughing royally at his expense. Damn the man and
damn this situation. He sighed. “Pile towels under my chin and bring me a bowl
and spoon or better yet, just bring it in a coffee mug and I’ll sip on it.”
“Miss Woodpen... Eliza, please. Do us both a favor. Compromise
is a wonderful tool. Lose the bottle and bring me a cup. You can’t treat me
like a child.”
“Are you sure?” She presented the bottle with a decidedly
wicked grin.
His brow furrowed again, and he shook his head. “It’s not nice
to tease the wounded.”
She laughed. “Serves you right for being so difficult last
night. I’ll be right back with a cup this time.”
He chuckled. Fancy that. The sourpuss teacher had a sense of
humor. He wondered where she’d found the bottle. Was it a family memento or
something she’d borrowed from a neighbor? The thought of Eliza with a baby
tickled his imagination. Dang, but he was starting to really like the woman. She’d
caught his fancy the first time he saw her with her glasses askew and a stunned
expression on her face, but now? Now, he took a shine to her zany humor and
tender care of him. Yep. He was going to have to be on his guard where Eliza
Woodpen was concerned.
Wonderful information Ciara. I hadn't really thought about there not being a bottle of some sort for babies. I knew about wet nurses and just assumed it was that or the mother. The excerpt is fun too!
Thanks Paty. I never gave it much thought either until that one book took me out of the scene with mention of the bottle. I just couldn't envision them having the same type of bottle way back when. LOL.
Terrific post, Ciara. I hadn't really thought about this either, but it reminded me of an old John Wayne movie where he and two of this compadres come across a wagon in the middle of nowhere. Inside, there's a woman who's just given birth. The mother dies and the three compadres are left to take care of the baby out in the middle of the blazing desert. I remember, they had several cans of milk and what looked like a modern baby bottle. Thanks for the fabulous info!
We have one of those! But we thought it was a gravy boat. LOL. The excerpt is fun, too. Sourpuss schoolteacher, eh? :)
Too fun. Thanks all for the comments. I remember that movie, Devon. Gotta luv John Wayne movies. My father-in-law was hooked on 'em. And Jacquie, so fun to be able to identify an antique. I have a few items I still scratch my head over.
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