Rattlesnakes. Just the very word makes a lot of people
uneasy and anxious. As a western historical writer, nature lover, and all
around information geek, I’m fascinated with the critters, so when Dearest
Husband attended a Continuing Education meeting (required to maintain his
veterinary license) that had a lecture on rattlesnakes living in Wyoming, the
Dakotas, and Colorado (same general area I wish I lived), I grabbed his lecture
notes as soon as the meeting was over.
There are more than 24 known species of rattlesnakes in the
US of which the Mojave Rattlesnake is the most venomous. It has venom which can
kill a person if antivenin is not administered. These rattlesnakes are
aggressive toward humans and will bite without provocation. Although
rattlesnake venom isn't as deadly as some other snakes, the volume of the
injected venom makes rattlesnakes particularly dangerous. The venom is
haemotoxic, meaning that it prevents blood from clotting and destroys tissue.

Of the two, the midget (what’s midget about a venomous snake
that can be as long as 20 inches fully mature?) is much more venomous, more
prone to bite, and definitely aggressive. It is an absolutely gorgeous snake—liver
and orange colored.
The prairie rattler, on the other hand, has a huge
distribution area. These snakes are robust, less aggressive than their midget or
Mojave cousins, and aren’t as venomous. Unless cornered or actually threatened,
they’ll just slither away through the sage brush and grasses. Most mature prairie
rattlers will also prefer, if forced to strike, to deliver a warning, dry bite.
(And if I’m ever in a situation where I’ve accidently cornered a prairie
rattler and receive a dry bite, I’m still dead because the heart attack will
kill me.)
Now, I’m off to go research rattlesnakes in the Big Piney
area of Texas for my next romance novel.
Love it! We have the western diamondbacks in AZ. They aren't aggressive unless you interact with them. When we find them around our house, we capture them and release them in the desert. We're told this isn't ideal for them, as they may not be able to find another water source, but it's preferable to killing them outright, which is what most of our neighbors do.
I'm in Eastern Oregon and we have the Great Basin sub-species of the Western Rattlesnakes. Thanks for the great information.
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