Sunday, July 21, 2024

Cowboy tidbits and more!

Check out these amazing COWBOY tidbits and more! 🤠 🐮 "Cowboy" actually comes from the phrase "a boy who tends cows". In the 19th century, cowboys originated from the Vaquero traditions of Mexico. 🌟 The term cowboy was initially used as a slang term for men of color, while cowhand was used for white men who tended cows. 🍳 The camp cook was considered the most crucial person, cooking three hot meals a day and marking the direction of the North Star for the cowhands each night.
🐎 During a Cattle Drive, a dozen or fewer men could move 3,000 head of cattle 15 to 16 miles daily. Any more miles would make the cattle underweight.
⚔️ Many cowboys were actually Civil War soldiers, coming from various backgrounds such as freed slaves, immigrants, Mexicans, and American Indians. 🤠 Cowboys were resourceful, using their hats to scoop up water for themselves and their horses.
Also, check out these stunning photos from our day at Canyon Lake in the Superstition Mountains! It was an unforgettable experienc


Julie Lence said...

Looks like a relaxing place to visit. Thanks for sharing, Ruthie!

GiniRifkin said...

fun facts. Looks like a good time. I miss being by water!

Ruthie Manier said...

Julie, it was relaxing. I stayed in the water with my pink noodle for hours. The water was warm, the sun bright, and the company was great! we brought a picnic of fried chicken, fruit, and mashed potatoes and gravy. It was 110 degrees. Loads of fun was had.

Gini, Where do you live? I can't imagine living where there is no water near by. I live in the PNW where water is abundant, but I was visiting my son in Arizona last week. We had to drive an hour to get to Canyon Lake.